Before I begin I must tell you that if your teeth are not all LvL6 your boss does not have to sell gems or Xstals LvL1. They are to be useful for you. I would recommend sellingonly Rubys if you do not need them and Xstals LvL2. Players are always aware thathaving perfect teeth is an important role to be strong. With the addition of such teethBua examples can be found but at lvl 70. Rubys becuz now shares more valuable thanthis and so they have the highest prices when it is being sold as a lvl 1 gem. [Theother gems tend sold with 10 000 silver while rubys sold for 20 000 silver] Also, LvL2Crystal is VERY valuable. You can sell one for 100,000 gold silver or even 55,sometimes 60 gold. Items like that are usually found from Elite. When it comes toselling Xstals you might want to sell them during the day of the week. The reason isbecuz over the weekend Xstals lvl2 value fell as examples of Treasure Island. XstalsLvL2 price to 50 gold during that time so I suggest you keep them in storage until a better day.
[Original price]: Ruby LvL1 = 41 gold LvL2 LvL3 528 gold-106 gold / Crystal LvL2 =92 gold
[Your price]: Ruby LvL1 = 20 000 LvL2 LvL3 silv silv = 50 000 = 100 000 silv / CrystalSilv LvL2 = 100 000
[your price in gold]: Ruby LvL1 = 5 LvL2 LvL3 gold = 50 gold = 100 gold / CrystalLvL2 = 50 to 55 to 60 gold.
[Day sold] on Sunday. Should Wednesday / Thursday.
[Time sold]: Any time on the appropriate days. The policy.
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