Monday, July 11, 2011

Rebuild Sicily Mission

Sicily was once lush with vegetation and colorful flowers where Persephone, the embodiment of the Earth’s fertility, made her residence. The harmonic setting was interrupted when Hades, the god of the underworld, burst through a cleft in the earth and kidnapped her to be his queen. He cursed the island and filled it with monsters. The news reached Zeus, but his options for pursuing his daughter are limited. He is now calling on all heroes to undo the terrible damage that was done to the island and purify it.
Surrounded by the shimmering blue waters of the Mediterranean Sea, the island is known for its breezy summer climate and sandy beaches. Further inland, the landscape turns to rugged hills considered difficult to traverse. Also, the scar left by Hades entrance remains; a permanent scar on the land.
Event Time
10:00PM - 12:00AM (Server Time: GMT-5), every Friday
Entrance Requirements
1. Visit the Event Transporter in the major cities, and at the specified time you will be able to request entrance to the Sicilian Area. The maximum number of visits allowed is five per day.
2. The admission is free from 10:00PM to 12:00AM on days the entrance is open to the public.
3. Players may enter the area at any time with a Mystic Scroll except Friday.
4. Participants must be Level 25+.
Important Information
1. Both factions share the map, and it is subdivided into zones that vary in difficulty. Players of different factions can also challenge one another in the public zone.
2. Level 1 monsters are all you will see on the island, which makes them easy to kill, but they are densely populated and they re-spawn quickly.
3. Players can look for the Sicilian Refugees in the major cities to accept quests on Sicily. Players may make up to 5 trips a day, and each time, there are plenty of talent points available.
4. Players can visit the Sicilian Merchant on the island and purchase a Mystic Seal. It will allow players to accept secret missions (divided into 3 levels with 3 missions per level), and when completed, players can go to a Sicilian Refugee and claim their talent rewards.
Item Use
Mystic Seal 1 Once unsealed, a secret mission will become available. It is suitable for players ranged from Level 25 to 60, and the reward is 17 talent points.
Mystic Seal 2 Once unsealed, a secret mission will become available. It is suitable for players ranged from Level 61 to 100, and the reward is 24 talent points.
Mystic Seal 3 Once unsealed, a secret mission will become available. It is suitable for players ranged from Level 101 to 120, and the reward is 33 talent points.

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